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Kids NHL Jersey, cheap nhl jerseys sale nfl jerseys discount The reason also seems to be based on the fact that the real gifted- creative- productive persons are left out as a result of over- reliance on cognitive ability/ Kids NHL Jersey intelligence test only in the selection process. Fig: 1 RENZULLIS Three-Ring Conception of Giftedness The above clusters of abilities focused on the cognitive and non-cognitive/ affective domains of educational objective. They are said to be talented if in the process of doing things, evidences of positive exceptionality and creativity is manifested (Onu, 2002). For years, our society has judged intelligence on performance records and equated high grades with high intellect. These memories will surely be remembered. This can only be assessed properly by the use of attitude scales. 47-48). However, the development and recognition of giftedness in Kids NHL Jersey children started to be of major concern to the Federal Government of Nigeria within the last two decades (Anih, 2001). Secondly, the length and complexity of administration, scoring and interpretation make its use difficult for teachers and career masters whermes: INTRODUCTION Every society, and every school (formal or non-formal) within it, has its own gifted and talented persons. Intelligence tests are as Guilford (1985) suggests only a small sample of intellectual activity in limited areas of human endeavour. Nigeria is anxious to take-off technologically to revamp her economy and improve over-all standards of life and living for the generality of her citizens. However, the task of identifying the gifted and talented children has become a growing concern for our Nations public and private school systems. Ramsden (1998) also sees attitude as the cognitive, emotional and action tendency components, because it is this action- tendency that leads to particular behavioural intents. Even though many educators and researchers long realized that many of our brightest students are not necessarily the A students. If you are to go on beach, you can collect tiny matters which make wonderful materials for an artwork. Onu (2002) opines that children thus identified require differentiated educational programmes, experiences and services beyond those normally provided by the regular school programme. This will save you from troubles of looking for materials but it still allows you kids to design their own mask. A wide variety of art materials can be used for this project, mostly can be found at home. He further explain that gifted and talented children are those possessing or capable of developing this composite set of traits and applying them to any potentially valuable area of human performance. The policy further enumerated that opportunities should be provided for exceptionally gifted and talented children to develop their talents, natural endowments/traits at their own pace in the interest of the nations economic and technological developments. An overview of the gifted programme currently going on in Nigeria seems that the children have not made any impact in the society like their other counterparts in the USA, Canada, UK and Israel, despite the entire amount spent on the programme (Onu, 2002, Anih, 2001). Children are said to be gifted if their cognitive powers, when developed qualify them to become high level innovators, evaluators, problem solvers, leaders or perpetuators in the complex society in which they live (Oghounu & Oniyama, 2004). Aiken & Groth-Marnat (2006) opine that one of the affective variables that has received a great deal of research attention is attitude scale.By doing craft for kids with your children, you do not only enhance their skills and promote independence, but it is also an activity that will hone trust and bonding between parents and kids. Often times, some of such countries are jolted into action by specific instances or factors like the sputnik which shocked America, or Israel finding herself in the desert or Japan after the Second World War, or Korea after some unfavourable experiences or even some countries planning to dominate world sports and gymnastics (Yoloye, 1986). Some people have advanced talents in socially valued endeavours that cannot be measured by intelligence tests. Most countries of the world deliberately and systematically identify and nurture such of their children who are of high intellectual ability.sion such as for Halloweens, and other festivities. Silverman (2003) opines that Giftedness is like developmental delay, which must be identified in children as early as possible. Depending on observations also is not reliable as Nigerian teachers cannot be visiting homes to observe, nor to keep accurate record of their observations (Obe & Nna, 2004). They reliable approach is through the use of attitude scales, they affirmed. She further states that Gifted four or five year olds are mentally like six or seven year olds, and usually have excellent attention spans, so this is an ideal time for testing. Apart from this, some current definitions of giftedness have also grown out of the awareness that IQ alone does not define all the possible areas of giftedness. The cognitive ability test currently in use is measuring only two attributes (verbal and numerical (quantitative) aptitude among all other attributes enumerated by Renzullis (2005) conception of giftedness. Renzulli (2005) conceptualized creative?C productive giftedness as the cluster of three?C interlocking abilities namely, above average, creativity and task commitment /motivation. It includes tiny sea shells matched with fine pebbles. Since our main challenge as educators in Nigeria is to create the conditions that convert potentials into performance, it is pertinent therefore to identify the creative?C productive gifted persons,hermes bag, by the use of proper identification instrument (Renzulli, 2005). Of recent, the Blooms taxonomy of Educational Objectives has been expanded to include the sixth one which is creativity. Unfortunately, all the instruments used in Nigeria and abroad to identify gifted children have been focusing on the cognitive domain which is based on intelligence test and observation with rating scales by teachers. The National Policy on Education (2004) recognized the existence of the gifted and talented individuals by emphasizing that: People (children and adult) who have/posses very high intelligence quotient (IQ) and are naturally endowed with special traits (in arts, creativity, music, leadership, intellectual precocity, etc.If you are to schedule outdoor activities, theres craft for kids which best suits for outdoor making.) and therefore find themselves insufficiently, challenged by the regular school/college/university programmes (p. Allport as cited by Obe & Nna (2004), defined attitude as a mental and neural state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive and dynamic influence Kids NHL Jersey upon an individuals response to all objects and situations with which it is related. Or if you want your kids to work on more defined masks, you can purchase kits for mask making. You can have colorful sand from local stores and create a beach-inspired crafts with your kids. Across cultures and over period in history, such gifted and talented persons have been recognized either through their significantly outstanding positive contributions to society or for some spectacular achievements or positive behavioural manifestation. Sometimes, it is difficult to separate or even distinguish between the two terms since often; one connotes the other (Anih, 2001). The decision therefore to identify Nigerian children who by virtue of outstanding ability are capable of High performance is of paramount importance. Those who show evidences of exceptional performance or demonstrate very high degree of creativity, memory, motivation, physical dexterity or psycho-motor ability, social adeptness or leadership ability, aesthetic sensitivity or pronounced ability in visual and performing arts, or who demonstrate potential ability in any of these areas (Senate, 1988). In Nigeria, selection into the gifted programme is done at primary six levels which fall within the average age of 12 years, according to the Blue print on Education of the Gifted and Talented (1986), it is the ideal age when the children must have finished primary school and are about to start secondary school. The Minister clearly stated that the purpose of the policy was to ensure that children in Nigeria were not neglected any longer. The concept of giftedness has also expanded in recent times to include many talents that have contributed substantially to the quality of life for both individual and society (Robinson, 2003). In the continued efforts of the Federal Government to see the gifted and talented through in her educational system, an operation catch the genius was launched in 1982 with the help of Aminu?C the Federal Minister of Education at that time (Makinde, 1998). This policy was buttressed by the establishment of the Suleja Academy for the Gifted and Talented which took off on the 25th of May 1990 (Omoegun, 1998). Some parents choose to capture moments through videos and photos to make a lifetime memory of fun childhood activities. This is akin to Renzullis (2005) definition that giftedness is made up of three inter locking clusters of ability namely above average (cognitive ability), creativity and task commitment/motivation, with their underlining attributes. For instance, the contributions of gifted individuals such as William Jerferson, Philip Emeagwali,Wole Soyinka to mention but a few have called for the re-definition of what makes giftedness and how to identify the real gifted persons for placement in the special programmes. According to her, early intervention is essential for optimal development.

